Microsoft Teams Rooms is easy to use !!
Make the most of your time together with consistent, friction-free meeting experiences.
One-touch join:
Lets you seamlessly join and participate in meetings in an instant with one touch.
Simply find your meeting on the Teams console device, tap it, and your meeting will start.
Proximity join
Allows people to use their personal device to connect their meeting to a Teams Room.
When their device detects an available room nearby, they’ll have the option to bring that meeting into the Teams Room.
As they join the meeting, the device audio is muted automatically to avoid feedback.
Cortana voice assistance
Makes it easy to start and end meetings with your voice instead of touch.
You can ask Cortana to perform other meeting commands like, add someone to your meeting or call a number from your room.
Room remote
Allows anyone in the room to control Teams Rooms equipment from their own devices, using the Teams mobile app.
Eliminates the need to reach out to use the room console in the center of the room.
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