Hot desking Teams
“Hot desking” refers to reserving flexible workspaces in an office that aren’t assigned to a specific employee. These spaces act as a perfect solution for hybrid work by giving people a physical place to sit when they visit the office, rather than a dedicated personal desk—which takes up space and goes unused when people are working remotely.
Prepandemic, dedicated cubicles for each employee were extremely popular, with other employers opting for a mix of cubes and individual offices and some choosing open-concept floor plans. Today, as many offices begin reopening, hot desking has become a popular option for hybrid workers.
Hot desking typically uses a form of hot desking software that allows employees to view which flexible desks are available at the office on a given day and time. They can then book the seat they’d like to work from for a full or partial day so it’s ready for them when they arrive. Depending on how an office with hot desking spaces (or a “hot desking office”) is set up, workers might bring their own laptop or might already have a computer at the desk that they can sign in to with their credentials to access company drives, files, and folders.
